< Go Back Leasehold Reform Posted: Aug 16, 2018 On 24th July, the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee initiated an inquiry into the Government's leasehold reform programme.
The inquiry will focus on how existing leaseholders of both houses and flats who are committed to difficult or unfair leasehold terms (such as escalating ground rents) can be supported.
In addition the inquiry will scrutinize progress made on leasehold reform following the conclusion of the Government's 2017 consultation on tackling unfair practices in the leasehold market.
The Committee is inviting public submissions on:
the effectiveness of the Government's programme of work on residential leasehold reform, in relation to existing leaseholders and also whether any further reforms should be introduced.
the support and Government intervention which could be provided to existing leaseholders who are affected by onerous leasehold terms.
the implications of providing support and Government intervention to those existing leaseholders.
The deadline for written submissions is Friday 7th September 2018 and they can be made here .